5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money

Are you looking for ways to save money on your website? If so, you may want to consider using a CMS, or Content Management System. Here are five ways a CMS can save you money...

5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money

Drive Up Revenue With Key Tools Designed Just For B2B

Improve your ad content and lower CAC

Automate your SEO

Tap into new markets

Optimize the user experience

Generate more leads

Reduce overhead

Improve marketing efficiency

If you’re like any other marketing team, or business for that matter, then you know how important it is to stay within your budget.

If you find a solution out there that can help capitalize your marketing dollars, you usually jump on it. 

One of the biggest investments all businesses make is their website.

It’s also one of the biggest ongoing expenses in every marketing budget. 

There’s a lot that goes into it. 

It can be really hard to keep your website updated with fresh content when you're struggling to find the right fit for your budget. 

A CMS makes it easy to manage your website content and actually save money long term.

Keep reading to find out the top 5 ways a CMS will impact your company financially and save you money long term.

Let’s Talk About How Webilize Can Help Your B2B Scale

5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money - Developer Costs

1 - Developer Costs 

There's no denying that developers are expensive. One of the main benefits of using a CMS is that it can save your company thousands if not hundreds of thousands on development costs. 

With a CMS, businesses can often create and manage their own content, without the need to hire expensive developers. 

This can help to reduce ongoing website development costs by thousands of dollars. 

In addition, a CMS can also help to simplify the website development process, making it quicker and easier to get a new site up and running. As a result, using a CMS can be a great way to save on both development time and money.

2 - Maximize Efficiency

Another time factor (aka money saver) is the actual turnover time. When you work with a developer to output new website content, products, services, projects… 

Whatever it is, it always takes time. 

You’ve probably been here before where you want to implement something new and drive traffic to your website but instead of doing that you’re wasting money on what you’re currently running ads to even though it isn’t working. 

With full seamless control of your website content using a CMS platform you’re able to release new content frequently and within minutes. 

Making updates to your content is even faster. 

It’s a no brainer to understand how much time, energy and money is wasted on developers.

5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money - Maximize Efficiency
5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money - Spend Your Ad Dollars More Effectively

3 - Spend Your Ad Dollars More Effectively

A CMS can help you target your audience more effectively and track the results of your campaigns by showing you with real time analytics what webpages are performing the best, even if you didn’t drive traffic to that source. 

The result of these analytics just allows your marketing budget to be spent more effectively and drive traffic to the right pages. 

If you’re a multi-regional or global business, knowing what pages convert more in that area can also help you develop smarter ad content. 

We all know what the IOS update has done to our marketing budget, so having this type of insight available to us is a game changer. 

As a result, you can achieve a higher ROAS for your advertising campaigns.

4 - Tap Into New Markets 

If your local business, you can still benefit from a CMS but ultimately, if you’re doing business within a province or serving the entire Country then this is going to help you even further. 

We all want new customers and audiences that convert.

Spending time and energy on ads that might not build that audience up is a big risk.

When you use a CMS and you have real user engagement and data built into your dashboard then you have something to work with. 

You can see where your traffic is coming from, what pages and content interest them and you retarget users based on this with your best content forward. 

5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money - Tap Into New Markets

The multilingual capabilities also allows you to generate new facebook audiences and build new ads in the right language, to the right people in the right places. 

It’s amazing how many french or spanish people are just a few clicks away. 

5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money - Purpose Built To Increase Conversions

5 - Purpose Built To Increase Conversions

It might be hard to think that one platform could amplify conversions this much but it’s true. 

From the built in SEO optimization tools to the multilingual capabilities, there’s new conversion opportunities built into your new website. 

You’ll be able to rank higher on search engines than your competitors in every single language giving you a competitive advantage for less money. 

We also have a great lead acquisition strategy to make sure that every page of your website is set up to convert. 

The only thing that’s going to amplify your conversion rate is the optimized user experience.

For example, if your website isn’t mobile friendly, users bounce off instantly. 

Luckily a CMS has built in solutions for this. 

There’s also key algorithms built into the software to showcase your most relevant content to that audience from their location, search history, your highest traffic pages and this all keeps users on your website for a longer period of time. 


Your ad dollar is being spent to get them there, and your new website actually keeps them there and taking the actions you want them to take. 

The best part though…

There’s a growth optimization tool built in so that you can split test all your content against one another. 

This means you send 50% of your traffic to 2 similar content sources while split testing different attributes of your page against each other. 

For example.. 

Maybe there’s a really great headline making people click on that piece of content (which is great) 

but …

They all hate the offer or content on the page.

So how do you fix it?

5 Ways A CMS Can Save You Money - See how the traffic reacts

Basically you duplicate your page and start with one thing like the copy within the page. 

See how the traffic reacts. 

Then you combine those two key optimized pages together. 

Then you may test your calls to action on a new page against where they are now. 

See what converts. 

You keep doing this until you’ve maximized your entire website and funnels so that you can guarantee a ROAS on every page you drive traffic to. 

It’s an amazing tool and feature.

As you can see… 

Your website isn’t a stand alone cost.

There’s a lot of  key factors that go into your website. 

Every company should be looking at the big picture. 

You need to know how the entire customer journey fits into your website.

It’s not a brochure to showcase what you do.

A website is designed to show the user what it does for them. 

It’s always about the customer. 

And with a CMS, you can guarantee that as soon as you launch your website you’ll have a higher ROAS and a long term cost saving solution. 

So stop waiting on your IT and developer team and spending a heavy load of money on waiting around for things to happen. 

Go and make it happen. 

It’s time for growth.

It’s time for change. 

And that’s why we’re here. 

So the only question is, what’s holding you back? 

Go ahead… 

Take the next step. 

We dare you to start converting more traffic and save money while you’re doing it. 

Everything You Need To Make The Path To Success Shorter