Marketing Directors:  Forget Your Developer

Cut Development Costs & Save Time with Webilize

 Looking for a way to improve the efficiency and cost effectiveness of your web development? Find out how using a B2B website builder can help you do just that!

cut developer to save time and cost

Drive Up Revenue With Key Tools Designed Just For B2B

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Improve your ad content and lower CAC

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Automate your SEO

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Tap into new markets

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Optimize the user experience

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Generate more leads

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Reduce overhead

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Improve marketing efficiency

I bet there’s a bunch of stuff you’d change on your current website if you could. 

As a marketer, it’s your job to know how to optimize your website. 

You have to be on top of all the latest trends and growth strategies. 

How to optimize the user experience even further, how to generate more traffic and then actually have a website converting them into leads. 

And part of that growth sometimes ends up in the hands of a developer with your website.

Which developers are great at what they do and there’s 100% a need for them. 

Just like anything else in life, there’s always those downfalls that come with it. 
The customization and implementation of anything new seems to drag on forever. 
There’s always another reason why it’s not finished yet and truthfully half the time what you want and what is actually created is never what you had in mind. 

It’s super frustrating. 

Marketing moves quickly. 

Developers though, not so much. 

There comes a time when you have to ask yourself, is this website platform really the best decision for our company? 

Let’s Talk About How Webilize Can Help Your B2B Scale

The Problem With Developer Software

Did you know that custom website builders like WordPress, SquareSpace and Magento have been hacked multiple times?

They’re getting hacked monthly. 

With a growing and scaling company, your high converting digital assets need to be protected and it’s not something you can compromise on.

Imagine waking up to find out that your entire website has been hacked and you’ve lost ALL your content, pages and you’re locked out of your drupal account and you’ve got no way to get back in. 

That’s a big chip sitting on your shoulder every day. 

Not to mention, if you ever lost your developer overnight who has access to everything and there’s no other person on your team who can code or fix an issue that may come forward – you’re in for some big problems. 

Finding a really good developer these days is slim – and if you do have one they are usually on with you for 12-24 months. 

Not good. 

Making a switch to a new software always seems like such a big task and a costly one, but imagine what waking up to no access to your website would cost you? 

Probably your job and a pile of marketing dollars. 

The thing to remember is that making a switch to a new platform is actually way easier than you think. 

If you’re like any other marketing team, or business for that matter, then you know how important it is to stay within your budget.

If you find a solution out there that can help capitalize your marketing dollars, you usually jump on it. 

One of the biggest investments all businesses make is their website.

It’s also one of the biggest ongoing expenses in every marketing budget. 

There’s a lot that goes into it. 

It can be really hard to keep your website updated with fresh content when you're struggling to find the right fit for your budget. 

A CMS makes it easy to manage your website content and actually save money long term.

Keep reading to find out the top 3 ways a CMS will impact your company financially and save you money long term.

CMS with webilize exclusive features

1 - Developer Costs 

There's no denying that developers are expensive. One of the main benefits of using a CMS is that it can save your company thousands if not hundreds of thousands on development costs. 
With a CMS, marketing departments can create and manage their own content, without the need to hire expensive developers. 

This can help to reduce ongoing website development costs by thousands of dollars. (especially if you’re adding it to the cost of your current employees existing salary)

In addition, a CMS can also help to simplify the website development process, making it quicker and easier to get a new site up and running. As a result, using a CMS can be a great way to save on both development time and money.

2 - Maximize Efficiency

Another time factor (aka money saver) is the actual turnover time. When you work with a developer to output new website content, products, services, projects… 

Whatever it is, it always takes time. 

You’ve probably been here before where you want to implement something new and drive traffic to your website but instead of doing that you’re wasting money on what you’re currently running ads to even though it isn’t working. 

With full seamless control of your website content using a CMS platform you’re able to release new content frequently and within minutes. 

Making updates to your content is even faster. 

It’s a no brainer to understand how much time, energy and money is wasted on developers. 

increasing efficiency
spend marketing cost efficiently

3 - Spend Your Ad Dollars More Effectively

A CMS can help you target your audience more effectively and track the results of your campaigns by showing you with real time analytics what webpages are performing the best, even if you didn’t drive traffic to that source. 

The result of these analytics just allows your marketing budget to be spent more effectively and drive traffic to the right pages. 

If you’re a multi-regional or global business, knowing what pages convert more in that area can also help you develop smarter ad content. 

We all know what the IOS update has done to our marketing budget, so having this type of insight available to us is a game changer. 

As a result, you can achieve a higher ROAS for your advertising campaigns.

You might be wondering, what is a CMS? 


A CMS is a content management software that holds all of your website pages, blog posts and any assets that are related. 

They’re usually customized directly to your own business and you can implement branding guidelines that will allow for customized templates for lets say a blog post or a new product page. 

It makes it easy for the marketing team to take over the development of the website and to add new content, features and widgets without the need for coding or developers which is the best solution available.

A really good CMS will have it’s own built in algorithms and benefits that optimize the user experience and keep traffic engaged for longer. 

Take our CMS onboarding for example, we actually completely re-design and develop your entire website and optimize it for you when you join.

We also create custom templates and build in your branding guidelines so that no matter who is adding content to your website, it looks good with a high quality page structure optimized for SEO and ad performance. 

The best part?

We actually eliminate the need for a developer or IT department all together. 

We’re also safe and secure in the cloud private hosting of your website so you’re protected by what we like to call secret agent level security. 

We also make sure the entire website is GDPR compliant and we keep a full history of your entire website which you could easily click and export at any time so you never lose the content of your website. 

We have top security and log in/user protection when it comes to hosting your new website platform as well. 

We even have some really great custom built algorithms to optimize the user experience, convert more clicks to customers and keep users engaged on your website for a longer period of time. 

Curious about learning everything this software has to offer?

Everything You Need To Make The Path To Success Shorter