Your Website Is Like a Dating Profile: Are You Giving It Away Too Soon? 

Are you giving it all away up front? Have you designed your website to leave little to no intrigue? In this blog post we talk about how much content you should be putting on your website and how to keep people curious and wanting to learn more. 

enterprise, website, b2b, marketing

You can’t give away everything up front.


But you do want to intrigue them enough so that they’re looking to get on a call with you and find out a little more about you


You want to show them just enough to peak their interest


If you write too much on your dating profile [or website] it might seem like you’re coming on too strong


You might even confuse the other person and they’ll have no idea what you’re talking about and feel so overwhelmed by how much your telling them that they just swipe you right on by


The same thing goes for you website.


If you’re putting too much copy on your website it just becomes so overwhelming.


People don’t read anymore.


I mean…


We like visuals.


So you should also equip your website [dating profile] with some of your best pictures.


Ultimately, you want to get that first date.


You want them to be so curious about what you did tell them that they want to know more.


You want them double tap, right swipe and subscribe to your notifications.




On that first date you want to tell them a little more about yourself and your company.


You want to tell them enough about yourself and your company, but leave room for questions and conversation.


This is where you can really shine and showcase what your brand has to offer.


And just like in dating, smooth talking can go a long way.


Use persuasive language and compelling visuals to make your website stand out from the crowd.


Just captivate them and put on your best outfit for that first date.


And just like in dating, smooth talking can go a long way.


Ultimately, the goal is to seal the deal and get that second date, or in other words, convert these free consults, demos or opt-ins…. into customers.


By creating a website that is both intriguing and informative, you'll increase your chances of building meaningful relationships with your target audience.


So, take a step back and evaluate your website from the perspective of a potential customer.


Are you giving away too much too soon?


Or are you leaving them wanting more?


With the right approach, your website can be the perfect match for your business.


5 Tips To Improve Your Website Copy 

Start with a hook:

Begin your copy with an eye-catching headline or opening sentence that immediately grabs the reader's attention and makes them want to keep reading. 


Use humor, shock value, or a surprising statistic to pique their interest.


Highlight benefits: 

Instead of focusing solely on the features of your product or service, emphasize the benefits that it provides to marketing teams. 


Will it make their job easier, save them time, or increase their ROI? 


Make sure to clearly communicate why they need your offering.


Use social proof: 

Incorporate testimonials from satisfied customers or statistics that demonstrate the efficacy of your product or service. 


This helps build credibility and trust with potential clients.


Create a sense of urgency: 

Encourage readers to act quickly by emphasizing limited-time offers, exclusive deals, or the consequences of inaction. 


This motivates them to take action and engage with your brand.


Keep it concise and scannable: 

People are busy and often don't have time to read lengthy copy. 


Keep your writing short and to the point, using headers, bullet points, and other formatting techniques to make it easy to scan and quickly understand.


Ultimately, you want to keep it sweet and simple. 


Don't overthink it. 


Just be natural and provide value that peaks curiosity and you'll be getting that first date in no time.